Filing For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Has creditor harassment gotten out of hand? Do bills keep piling up to the point that most of them cannot be paid on time or at all? Have you received a repossession notice regarding your vehicle? Credit card debt and other overwhelming debt can spin out of control quickly.
At Vail A. Kaufman, P.A., we can explain what bankruptcy is and what it is not. We can explain how bankruptcy might work in your particular circumstances and why you may be a good fit for filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Our attorneys help people just like you every day — people who need help now.
Contact our office in Greenbelt, Maryland, for a free consultation to discuss your situation and your options. Call 301-513-0500 today.

Obtain Debt Relief Quickly And Effectively
Eligible individuals may obtain relief from nonexempt debt by filing for consumer bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. While not all debt obligations can be discharged (such as child support obligations, student loans and tax obligations) much of your burdensome debt can be eliminated through a Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding, including most:
- Credit card debt
- Past-due utility bills
- Medical bills
- Default loan penalties and interest
- Personal loans
- Deficiency balances from surrendered or repossessed vehicles
- Past-due HOA or condominium association dues
- Other debts
A common misconception about Chapter 7 bankruptcy is that debtors are not able to keep any property, including their home. In Maryland many, actually most, Chapter 7 debtors lose none of their property. Every situation is different but it is very possible to keep your home, vehicles, home furnishings and personal belongings.
The end result of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is that your legal obligation to pay on a wide variety of debt is discharged. A financial "fresh start" is granted. Most, if not all, of your burdensome debt can be eliminated.
Contact Us
At Vail A. Kaufman, P.A., we understand that filing for bankruptcy is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Our attorneys are here to answer your questions, calm your anxieties, explain your options and provide you with informative advice so that you are confident in your decision. Schedule a free consultation with an experienced Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer by contacting us online or by calling 301-513-0500. From our offices in Greenbelt and Columbia, Maryland, we assist clients throughout Prince George's County and suburban Maryland.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
Call (301) 513-0500 or Email Today.