(301) 513-0500

Free Consultation:

Uninsured & Underinsured Drivers

Hurt By An Uninsured Motorist?

When you buy automobile insurance in Maryland, even if you think you have only liability coverage, there are additional insurance coverages that are required in Maryland. Insurance companies are required to include uninsured/underinsured coverage in every policy sold in Maryland.

This means that if you are unlucky enough to be caused harm by someone who has no insurance you can still make a recovery for the damage that has been done. Your own insurance company is required to step into the shoes of the at-fault driver's insurance company (if he or she had one) and pay the value of your case. Your insurance company can do nothing to your insurance rates or insurability because of such a claim. I have a standing offer to go to the Insurance Commissioner free of charge if your insurance company tried to raise your rates or cancel your insurance.

Vail A. Kaufman, P.A., represents motorists and their passengers in suburban Maryland who have suffered serious injuries because of negligent uninsured or underinsured drivers. Our experienced Greenbelt attorneys assist accident victims in achieving needed compensation for their injuries and damages.

Contact us today at 301-513-0500 to speak with an experienced Maryland personal injury lawyer.

Underinsured Driver Lawyers Serving The Washington, D.C., Suburbs In Maryland

Maryland requires that your automobile insurance policy includes coverage for injuries cause by someone who lacks insurance. Your claim becomes a claim against the uninsured motorist portion of your policy. Because Maryland is a fault-based state, your company cannot raise your rates or cancel your coverage because of such a claim.

Depending on the amount of coverage or the personal assets of the at-fault party, you may be able to obtain full compensation for not only medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and inconvenience, but also these and other damages:

  • Long-term medical bills
  • Rehabilitation/nursing care
  • Vocational training
  • Mileage for medical appointments
  • Home relocation or home modification costs required to adapt home environment for injuries or disability
  • Funeral/burial expenses
  • Replacement service benefits for tasks you can no longer do by yourself
  • Damage to your property

Insurers rarely volunteer to pay the amount needed to cover all damages relating to a serious injury. Rules regarding Maryland insurance laws are complex. As a result, we recommend that you retain the counsel of our experienced uninsured/underinsured motorist lawyers.

We can help you collect uninsured or underinsured motorist claims following a motor vehicle accident, regardless of whether the other party was entirely or only partially responsible. Repeat DUI offenders frequently carry no insurance or only minimal insurance. We can assist you in getting compensation from an insurer when it can be proven that you were involved in a drunk driving accident.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Compensation In Maryland | Free Consultation

Contact our Greenbelt uninsured motorist lawyers online or by calling 301-513-0500  today. We can meet with you and discuss your potential for collecting uninsured motorist benefits through insurance. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation to each prospective client.

Call (301) 513-0500 or Email Today.