Recover Compensation For Your Damaged Vehicle
Under Maryland law, victims of an auto accident are entitled to recover money for their vehicle damage. Nevertheless, property damage is one area in which insurance companies often push back hardest when it comes to reimbursing clients.
The reason for this is leverage. Few people are willing to take an insurer to court over a few hundred, or a few thousand dollars, of damage. Even fewer lawyers are willing to take on a property damage case that could end in a modest recovery or settlement.

We Can Protect Your Rights To Maximize Your Compensation
Vail A. Kaufman, P.A., in Greenbelt and Columbia, Maryland, is one of those few. We fight for our clients' rights to recover property damage under state law. We can help you to:
- Recover the cost of repairing your vehicle
- Reimbursement for deductibles paid toward repairs
- Obtain the fair market value of your vehicle (if totaled)
- Loss of use and rental car costs
Many insurance companies have preferred auto body shops to which they funnel clients who file property damage claims. These arrangements are usually made to benefit the insurers and the shop, but to the detriment of the insured.
Retain our attorneys, and we can help you to get the repairs you need and the monetary recovery you deserve. We have more than 25 years of experience in representing clients, and we are well-versed in Maryland insurance law.
Holding Insurance Companies Accountable For Property Damage Claims
If you are worried that your insurance company is rejecting your property damage claim unjustly, we can investigate your circumstances and hold the insurer accountable for what you are owed.
For more information, and a free initial consultation with one of our Greenbelt property damage recovery attorneys, contact us online or by calling 301-513-0500 today.
Call (301) 513-0500 or Email Today.